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1. These gorgeous nude Sally Hansen Color Therapy nail colors I can’t decide what to wear for the next installment of Desperately Seeking Persistent Polish! Too many choices… I’m leaning toward dark burgundy Falling Deep, since I wore a pastel cream last week. What do you think? 2. MAC Cosmo Lipstick Busted this out for the first time in months and remembered why I love it so much. This neutral pink with a hint of brown is a lovely everyday lip color, and it looks amazeballs with brown and taupe eyeshadows! 3. Kim’s Convenience I found the best show on...

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With the Fenty effect happening all over beauty right now — high end, mid range, budget — you can literally walk into any beauty department and find a plethora of foundation shades. It’s incredible! We’re living in amazing times, people. Revolutionary even! Still, I can’t help but wonder how often people actually find shades that exactly match their skin tone. Do you still mix and match multiple shades? Have you actually found anything lately that perfectly matches your skin tone? If so, does it make you wiggle and giggle ’cause you’re so blown away!? 🤗 (Sorry, I hang out with...

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Happy Mother’s Day, or, as Tabs calls it, “Employee Appreciation Day.” Today he granted me an audience with himself, which I enjoyed very much. We sat and read together and watched birds on the front steps. *sigh* He’s not my little kitty boy anymore. 🙁 He’s a captain of industry, and he doesn’t have as much patience as he used to. Now he’s all about productivity when it comes to…pretty much everything, LOL. When we’re outside, he doesn’t like to just sit and chill quite as much as he used to. He’d rather patrol the circle or go exploring on...

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The 99 best things that happened in 2016, from Ebola’s eradication in West Africa to saving the manatees.  Via Quartz. [Okay, many of the points are politically biassed and/or ill defined, and as such they are pretty questionable. But many other are universal and surely each one of us celebrate those achievements. With this in mind, still a good list of reasons to be optimistic.]Image caption: “In September, giant pandas became the latest species to be taken off the endangered list. (Reuters/China Daily)”

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Hell no! I would hate it. I mean, you know…I’d love some of the perks. I could probably deal with it for about a year, but eventually the attention would wear me down, man. I couldn’t handle having everything I did or wore or said be totally scrutinized. I like doing normal people things waaaaaay too much. Like, I need to be able to buy an extra large bulk jar of Nutella and the new Us Weekly at 11 in the evening without announcing it to the world! I was thinking about this because of a movie I started streaming...

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