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Cacoxenite Uvarovite Kammererite Tourmaline Tree fossils with Opal growth rings Tree fossils with Opal growth rings Fluorite Crocoite Clinoclase Vanadinite crystals on white Barite Some beautiful mineral specimens (up-down, left-right): 1.- Cacoxenite 2.- Uvarovite   3.- Kammererite 4.- Tourmaline 5 & 6.- Tree fossils with Opal growth rings 7.- Fluorite 8.- Crocoite    9.- Clinoclase 10.- Vanadinite crystals on white Barite Via Distractify: These 32 Mineral Specimens Are Stunningly Beautiful (includes links to original sources)

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I might sound like a broken record…especially when I say, “I might sound like a broken record,” which is a phrase I know I use all the time, but I think it’s important to be open about taking care of one’s mental health. I know the holidays can be a stressful time, so here are a few things on my “Positivity Playlist” at the moment, in case you need a little help this week. Time for some Electricity on repeat… I’ve discussed some of this before, but when I was going to therapy a couple years ago (just needed someone...

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So…what is the Monday Poll? Good question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past gazillion years (more than 10!). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a great start. 👍 Rise and shine, morning glory! Happy Monday. 😊🌺 I’ll be in and out today because I have some cool things to do for the Connor Claire store. And I want to do ’em. So that’s what I’m doing...

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You can go ahead and tell the awards committee that I’m ready to except my Genius of the Year Award 🙄 because I only recently — and by that I mean yesterday — realized that chamomile plants smell like chamomile tea. OK, I know, but it wasn’t obvious to me… TJ’s had these dainty white and yellow cut flowers that I thought were daisies at first, but nope, chamomile flowers. So I brought a bouquet home. I’ve never had a bouquet of chamomile flowers before, and when I was cutting them and putting them in a vase, they smelled just...

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Interesting, the mundane life of theoretical physicist in the more transversally rich environment in that field in the whole world: CERNVia CERN: In Theory: Why are theoreticians filled with wanderlust?Image caption:The Theory corridor welcomes hundreds of visitors each year, all of whom must be provided with offices. The strips of white paper stuck to this door act as name plates. There’s no need to reprint them each time: when someone moves into the office, their name is slipped into the space provided, and when they leave, it is removed and stuck back on the door. (Image: Sophia Bennett/CERN)

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