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I guess since Drybar caters to hair, and since lashes technically are hair, there’s a correlation between having a stylist blow out your unruly mane, and lengthening your lashes with mascara? Weird flex but OKURRRR! Drybar is known for their blow-drying hair services and not for makeup, so I was surprised when they teamed up with It Cosmetics to launch a new mascara. It Cosmetics Lash Blow Out ($25) is supposed to lift, lengthen and thicken your lashes (my life’s purpose), so I’ll bite… The ends of the bristles on the wand have tiny spheres designed to catch and comb...

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So…what is the Monday Poll? Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a good start. 1. Have you ever dyed your hair red? Not my entire head of hair, no, but I did go through a phase when I had chunky, bright red highlights. They were an obnoxious shade of...

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I’ve recently come to the following conclusion: Five-minute makeup is bullsh*t. Rather, it is if you (correction, I) want to do more than tinted moisturizer, brows, mascara and a nude lip. I mean, I do five-minute makeup looks all the time. I like ’em. They’re easy, convenient… Well, those are their main selling points, but they aren’t really that much fun, because it’s just not enough time to do more than the basics. And sometimes I want to have fun! — and I have more swag when I’m feeling my makeup, and when I have more swag, Beyoncé better watch...

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'Big Brain' Gene Found in Humans, Not Chimps.Via livescienceNew research suggests that a single gene may be responsible for the large number of neurons found uniquely in the human brain. When this gene was inserted in the brain of a mouse embryo (shown here), it induced the formation of many more neurons (stained red). The extra neurons led to the formation of characteristic convolutions that the human brain uses to pack so much brain tissue into a small space (convolutions shown on the right).Credit: Marta Florio and Wieland B. Huttner, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics.

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I got myself this Trader Joe’s Shea Butter & Coconut Oil Hair Mask as a consolation prize last weekend because I went up and down every single aisle and scanned every shelf, but I couldn’t find my beloved Rose Oil Hand Cream, boo-hoo! So I got this thinking, “Yay! This will tide me over, and whatevs — it’s only $3.99, so it’s not the end of the world if I don’t like it.” Girlfriend. This mask is just as good as the fancy-schmancy Oribe one I used a couple months ago at the salon. It’s actually great, and it costs...

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