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Reasons why Caturday is the best day of the week: Sleeping in (hopefully). For me, this means staying in bed till 6 or (GASP) 6:30, LOL! I like to sneak in a workout before Coy-Coy wakes up, and the best time for me to work out is the early morning; otherwise, it just doesn’t get done. That extra hour or half an hour of catching Zs, though? Priceless. You can catch up on your reading. (See the links below!) This weekend I’m reading that cookbook up above that I checked out from the library. Yup, that’s Snoop Dogg… 🐶 See,...

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I can’t wear Charlotte Tilbury Ecstasy blush without thinking of mid-90s club banger Set U Free. The way the lead singer breathlessly enunciates the word, “ecstasy,” about a billion times… Welcome to the decade of my formative years. Anywho…while I like how long this satiny, peachy pink blush stays on my cheeks, the main thing I love about $40 Ecstasy blush is that I can get it on my cheeks in three minutes, which is about how much time I typically have while Coy-Coy uses the potty, so I can walk out the front door looking like I actually slept...

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1. Finding weird, random presents in my purse Like this 👆 lemon 🍋, which mysteriously appeared in my Kate Spade this morning. 2. Weezer’s cover of Africa I’ve been driving around town a little more than usual this week, and every time I’ve turned on the radio in the car, this song has been playing. I freakin’ love it! I hear it more now than I heard the O.G. version in the ’80s, LOL. 3. This water bottle Otherwise known as “My Terrific Temperature-Trusting Carafe.” It’s by a company called Swell, and it keeps drinks hot or cold for a...

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Typical of what I wear on any given day. KIDDING! (This was the dress I wore to the Emmys a few years ago.) Fall means fall color, which brings me to this question I ask every once in a while: To what extent do you coordinate your makeup to match your outfits? Like, do you ever plan what makeup you’re going to wear with an outfit the night before? Or, do you typically make your apparel choices on the fly, with a blatant disregard for lipstick and/or eyeshadow color? Inquiring minds want to know. Historically, I’ve been more of a...

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A delicious reading by Professor Lawrence M. Krauss. How Much More Can We Learn About the Universe? Nautilus Art by Jackie Ferrentino for Nautilus Is theoretical physics able to deal with philosophical fields as Metaphysics (just as it already did with other areas of philosophy such as Cosmology, Epistemology, or even Ontology)? You won’t get a response in this essay, however you will have some good sips of philosophy as it’s viewed by modern cosmology, i.e. a mixture of various fields of physics such as quantum mechanics, relativity, particle physics, physical cosmology, astrophysics, thermodynamics…A highly recommended reading.“If other universes are...

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