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The National Poo Museum Meerkat poo Fossil poo Pigeon poo This is deliriously fascinating.The National Poo Museum  at the Isle of Wight Zoo Like nearly every other creature on earth, we poo. With the right equipment you can find poo on almost any surface - it’s everywhere and it’s inside us too. Poo provokes strong reactions. Small children naturally delight in it but soon learn to avoid this yucky, disease-carrying stuff. Later, we learn that even talking about poo is bad. But for most of us, under the layers of disgust and taboo, the fascination remains. Poo is important. We...

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Happy Caturday from The Cat Lady Crew (TCLC)! Pretty Girl Rosie has been a member of Team MBB for a little over a month now, and my two girls are getting along famously. Rosie kindly allows Connor Claire to attend to her demanding kitty needs, and the two of them spend a lot of time chatting, playing hide and seek, and doing art projects. Rosie transforms into quite the micromanager when someone is sitting at their desk, and she’ll immediately park her dainty self on your lap (or, on top of your desk) if there’s any free space available. Slowly,...

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Ya know, I’m looking at this palette from the new MAC Jeremey Scott collection, and it’s dawning on me that…I don’t think I have a legit CD player in my house anymore. There’s one in my Mazda…and I think I might have an external USB one somewhere for my computer…but that’s it. I don’t think I have a regular old music CD player anywhere, and I guess that’s a good thing, because I can totally see myself trying to force-feed this blush palette into it, either by accident, as I mistake it for my Prince mix and push “Play” a...

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Hey there, sweet pea. Happy Caturday! I have a theory that if there’s ever anything I’ve felt or believed, chances are, someone else out there has felt or believed it too, soooooo…let’s talk hair. I know it’s insignificant in the universal scheme of things, but I’ve been feeling kinda low-grade “meh” lately because of various voracious viruses over the past month since Connor started preschool, and I’ve only really started feeling like myself again in the last few days, so yesterday I forced myself to style my hair for the first time in weeks, even though I really just wanted...

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Most of the time for me, yes, makeup does make me generally happier. Not to say that my happiness hinges on wearing makeup, because if I don’t fill in my brows on any given Friday, the world does not fall apart, nor do I have a meltdown, although that partly depends on where I am in my cycle. I have been known to launch into a full-on Kim K. ugly cry when I can’t find my tube of MAC In Extra Dimension. Just sayin’… Generally, though, yes, I think it makes me a happier person. I like the process. I...

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