Street Art in the Burbs Be Like…

Street Art in the Burbs Be Like…

Street Art in the Burbs Be Like…

“More bows, mama! MOAR BOWS.”

I spent part of my afternoon drawing pink and yellow bows in the street, and while I quite enjoyed being bossed around by a toddler determined to decorate the neighborhood with drawings of pastel hair accessories, holy wow! — sidewalk chalk is so messy. Your hands, your clothes, your hair — everything gets covered in chalk dust.

How did I forget such a messy, fun part of childhood?

Oh, and we happened upon quite the mystery in the driveway when we discovered this…

A huge oak tree overhangs our garage, and when I looked up, I heard baby birds chirping but couldn’t see them… I wasn’t sure what to do with the nest, so I picked it up using two sticks so as not to touch it with my hands and placed it securely on top of some nearby bushes.

I hope the birds 🐦 are OK.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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